A Movie is Worth Countless Words
We believe these videos are a good way to meet don Allan Hardman, and to know if you want to experience more of his teaching by joining your Toltec tribe in the TACO community. Not only is the setting of these video teachings, Teotihuacan, an amazing spiritual experience; but we encourage you to listen deeply to the teaching and see if it is something you want to apply to transforming your life. The healing journey starts by acknowledging you are stuck—the strategies and roles you’ve been using in your life are not improving your peace of mind, your relationships, or perhaps your prosperity. Most of us have heard that simple and wise saying that we can’t change our lives by continuing to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. So, the surrender. You must surrender and admit defeat…the kind of defeat that acknowledges you’ve tried everything you know of and nothing seems to work. It’s time to do something differently.
Burying the Past (Plaza of Earth) (4:32)
Once your surrender is complete, it is time to leave the past behind you, and begin a new life. You can look back and choose—to go back to the old You, or turn and face the moment of Now without expectations. It is a Warrior’s way. It is not for everyone, and it is okay to say No and return to the comforts of what you have known. If you decide to move forward, it’s time for a ceremony, to bury the old you and turn your face to the future.
Continue Your Clearing (The Etheric Double) (3:14)
Even with the power of your surrender, and your intention to live life anew, there are always agreements, beliefs, wounds, victimizations, and old limiting stories that need to be stalked and released. The ceremony of the Etheric Double is your chance to continue your clearing. The work continues.
Your Ultimate Surrender ~ The Angel of Death on The Avenue of the Dead (5:15)
And so you surrender to the Angel of Death. You recognize she has been the source of everything you have owned and she has always taken it back when she wanted to. You surrender the illusion that you can control your life. You let go. You accept that you do not “know.”
Communion With the Divine (to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun) (8:24)
The Toltec path is a journey of transformation—from the separation and fear caused by the Parasite to ultimately reclaiming our relationship with, and as, the Divine Presence that creates and animates this universe. It is a journey from fear to love, from rejection to acceptance. In Teotihuacan we climb to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, open a vortex joining the earth mother with the heavenly spirit, and leap into that vortex. The energy carries us out of our earthly dream and expands us to the infinite. There is nowhere else to go. Rest there, held in the expansive peace of the oneness of everything that is.
A Unity Church talk with Allan Hardman (32:57)
Dream with Me – a guided meditation into Love, with Allan Hardman (5:20)